
Background: NOD intel has located a sparsely defended infantry training base in the outskirts of Vienna. We have decided that you shall destroy the center and all installations as GDI has begun training its own flame troopers. We cannot allow GDI usage of our once-exclusive fire weapons. Once training of the flame troopers is complete, Kane believes GDI will begin developing a copy of the Pyragon Flame Tank! Austria is firmly in GDI's control, so excercise caution when attacking the base. The enemy has set up defensive posts all over the bases in the area and have spent a great deal in hastily erected walls. Destroy the base as quickly as you can. Your own flame tanks will prove wonderful toys against the enemy infantry. Be sure to set the trooper trainees 'alight' in the training pens to the northeast. Intelligence has located another, smaller base to the west and a fortified main installation to the north. Do not fail, Commander!

Mission briefing: Background: NOD intel has located a sparsely defended infantry training base in the outskirts of Vienna. We have decided that you shall destroy the center and all installations as GDI has begun training its own flame troopers. We cannot allow GDI usage of our once-exclusive fire weapons. Do not fail, Commander!



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